If you look real close, you can see three coyotes in the field.Bianca chased those rascals back into the woods.Later, after the coyote sighting, Bianca found a bear ambling along in these woods, just off the Loop trail. Bianca was walking with Bill and I (Diana) when she suddenly froze, staring into the woods. We knew she had found something interesting … and sure enough, a black bear was headed up the hill in these woods! I missed catching the bear on film, but thought I would memorialize the spot . Very exciting.The well bladder has a little house now. Or at least the beginning of a house.It takes a long time for Sid to mow the field with our riding mower.Bill cuts a fallen tree out of the field so mowing will be easier.Me, resting after weed whacking nettles near our riparian plantings.