Fence progress, junk removal and more spring flowers
Sid and Bill demonstrating where the gate opening from the watershed road will be placed. Neighbor Doug was in agreement with the placement as it will serve to provide access to his portion of the property as well.Diana, demonstrating the long line of posts that will soon have wire on them.Hard to tell from this photo, but Sid is demonstrating where the fence meets the bank of Rock Creek on the stretch of fence that will go from Rock Creek to the watershed road.Same stretch as described above.Sid, John and Bill. John is highly allergic to poison oak and there is plenty of it on the portion of the fence between our neighbor Doug and Shiver River.Sorting scrap wood from the good wood so that the scrap can be hauled away.Too much scrap for the silver pick up. They will be back with a large trailer.Lupine patch is thriving among the wild iris.Large wood and a very clear and quiet Rock Creek.Interesting plant.Very interesting plant. Three tiers of leaves …Checker Mallow