Final (not quite) step as Sid prepares laundry room floor for the water heater installation.Sid removed the old fence along Henkle Way and mowed next to the fence. The snowberry bushes that remain serve as dust barriers and animal habitat. Birds supposedly love snow berries.Bill and Diana cleaned up the wire and the old posts from the fence removal. The metal was recycled in Corvallis, the rest went to the pile of stuff that is scheduled for removal in a week.The pile is almost loaded.Sid planted sticker free blackberries, raspberries and a Russian pomegranate alongside the border with one of our neighbors.I can’t believe that this Scotch broom escaped our notice until today. Bill and Diana scouted the loop trail for limbs that inhibit travel (quite a few) and any escaped Scotch broom (this was not the only one).Bill and Diana went to a lecture at OSU entitled “The Inviolable Biophysical Principles That Govern How a Forest Functions.” It was very interesting and Diana got this great t-shirt celebrating Peacock Larkspur, a rare native found at Shiver River.John has cleared a lot of brush while fencing. We may rent a chipper as the bulk of the debris is cedar and having cedar chips for landscaping would be nice.