Sid and his shovel, Fat Boy, efficiently filled the trench containing well water pipe to the field faucet installed at the end of the big garageBianca, posing. She says, “Those skinny Borzoi got nothin’ on me!”A beautiful Doug-fir seedling thrives next to a harvested tree stump in the area clear-cut in 2018.Me and a thriving seedlingYou can’t see all the plantings in the clear cut, but they are present and doing well.Unknown type of yellow violet?John, seen out of an upstairs window as he continues working on the new fence.Mike has been busy cutting more firewood. Bill and I untarped all the piles we tarped from last year’s piles. Mike will split the cut wood once fire danger limits chain saw use in the woods.Bianca is attempting to unstack a carefully stacked pile of wood.Just downstream from the large culvert and the watershed road, Griffith Creek splits around a small island.