Diana and Paul, the renown butterfly expert. He opined on our meadows/fields and pointed out some really cool things and some things that we could see about getting under control.On the hill that is adjacent to the cow lane, there is tall oat grass and orchard grass, both of which are exotics and neither of which is good for native species. Paul recommends mowing early in June, before these grasses go to seed. this little blue flower is flax, a native prairie species. Purple brodiaea conjesta, sometimes called a cluster-lily, is the name of the one in the upper left hand corner.Closeup of the purple brodiaea conjesta (cluster-lily).Heal all herb or selfheal. AKA prunella vulgaris. Orchard grass orTall fescue. Used as animal forage, not for pristine upland prairies. California oat grass, however, is short and native and does not interfere with native plants. Lots of tall fescue on the lower field/meadow nearest the house. More prairie species found on the other side of the creek.California oatgrass, a good prairie grass.The lupine plants did well, but not too many Fender’s blue butterflies this year. An early period of spring drought may have hurt them.A lovely spot of native plants on the hill near the cow lane.Brome grass. Not good.Oregon geranium. Rose checker-mallowWild onion.A patch of Reed canary grass, bad, bad, bad non-native grass. Cat’s ear, a type of mariposa lily. It is related to tulips.False brome. It is a horrible invasive grass that will choke everything out, given half a chance. We need to get rid of it in our fields/meadows. It is also present in our woods.Oregon sunshine. White cluster lily. Rare!Yarrow. A native that has some medicinal value apparently.Goldenrod or aster. Not yet in bloom.Spike-rush, an indicator of wet ground.Western buttercup Tarweed. It will have yellow flowers later. “This native food produces small, nutritious seeds which can be eaten raw or lightly roasted. We recommend using as you would a sunflower seed or sesame seed – added to dressings/sauces, salads, stir-fries, soups, etc., or used as a stand-alone topping. The seeds impart a rich nutty flavor.” Owl’s clover, a relative to Indian paintbrush.Wild onion.Owl’s clover.Purple vetch. It will take over, given half a chance.Desert parsleyreed canary grass?