Gate, Nina, picnic table(s) and the location of buried well pipe.
Spot where the wood pile used to be, and a peek at the load Bill and Dee took to the dump.Fencing project is complete. This is the big fence that can allow big truck ingress and egress.Kay and Bill begin to assemble the picnic tables – well, table. One at a time. There are two. the tools lined up are the keepers selected yesterday.While Bill assembles the picnic table, Kay and I head into the woods to find Tiger lilies.Amazing progress while Kay and Diana were in the woods.Nina and Kay. Nina here for a short break for Oregon State graduation.See the dirt trail that extends from the lower left, across the cow lane to the fence? That is where a well water pipe (one of them) that goes from the bladder stored in the big garage to the irrigation pipe that heads down to Henkle Way is buried.More of the dirt trail.More of the dirt trail.Sid, marking the buried pipe.