Two dead trees. Notice the cluster of cones at the top of the one to the left. Dying trees sometimes make a last ditch effort to reproduce by making lots of cones at end of life.This dead tree has lots of conks on its bark. Internet: Fungal conks are the fruiting bodies of mycelium. Mycelium is the vegetative system of the fungi that is typically growing underground or under the bark of your tree. If you have ever dug through thick mulch that has is white strands holding pieces together, then you have seen mycelium. When found in soil or mulch, this is most likely a good thing, as it’s simply decomposing the mulch. However, if you find a visible fruiting body, or fungal conk, growing on the trunk of your tree, then your tree is infected by fungus, and not the good kind. The other dead tree has lots of moss.On the back of the mossy dead tree is evidence that one or more woodpeckers have been eating whatever bug/beetle is present. Habitat !!!!