Sid, Sandra, Kay, Diana, and Tory attended the annual Benton Small Woodlands Association picnic. Van Decker recounted the history of the Castle Family Forest while we munched our lunches.

Sid finished mowing the field across the ditch.

Sid is doing something while Sandra arranges the new chairs.

A nice trench for the propane feed to the Annex.

Sandra’s hard work pays off!

Why do the pure white animals love the dirt best?

New steps are painted and they look fabulous. Rick will replace the porch itself next and add pavers or tiles at the base of the steps.

We have plans for a woodshed, but no time to build it this year. The canvas shelter will be moved to this location in the meantime. We are expecting 6 cords of wood. This pile is only two.

Sid is thrilled at the thought of the stacking ahead.