Late winter, nearly spring

As you can see, Sid and his tractor have jumped on field mowing. Pile of branches in the background are from apple tree pruning.
Sid asked Bill to chop up this piece of firewood. The axe bounced off about 8 times before Bill managed to get it to crack a tiny bit. Eight more whacks and it split. Needless to say, it was hardwood, not Doug-fir!
Sid’s raised garden looks promising. The green stuff is arugula.
Sid planted an apple and an almond tree near the ridge.

Bill and Dee embark on their yearly chore of pulling up Scotch broom.
On the edge of the Scotch broom patch, these daffodils serve as proof that Unk was everywhere.
I was pulling Scotch broom, too!
The little spot on the bank where Tory and Robert’s wedding photographer stood during the wedding is now GONE!
Looking downstream from the bridge, note the little quiet pool that formed to the left, and the pile of eroded rocks a little further downstream.
This photo and the next two are of a shrub called Indian-plum. From my shrub book: “Generally considered poor forage, but birds, foxes, coyotes, and other mammals eat its fruits, often before they mature. Indigenous people eat its fruits fresh and dried; medicinal uses include purging the body and treating burns and tuberculosis.” Photo taken near Rock Creek. There are lots of these shrubs around.
This log placement, visible from the tip of the field on the house side of Rock Creek, has collected lots of debris. Just as planned.
Lobaria pulmonaria is everywhere on the oak trees near the apple tree ridge. USDA publication:
“Lungwort, lung lichen (Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm.)
By Chantelle DeLay
Lobaria pulmonaria is in the lichen family Lobariaceae (Kingdom Fungi). This species is found in North America, Europe, and Asia (no USDA PLANTS range map is available). Lungwort is usually found in humid forested areas with both conifers and hardwood trees. It can be quite common in its ideal habitat, quite literally dripping off trees and rocks. Lobaria pulmonaria occurs most often in shady environments and is an indicator for rich, healthy ecosystems such as old growth forests.”
Firewood is getting scarce, but Sid claims he’ll be OK. Gulp!
