Radio interview

As part of Giving Tuesday, a Eugene radio station featured several non-profits in a one-hour program. Marys River Watershed Council (Bill is a board member) was featured. The executive director (seated to my left) asked if I would represent landowners who have benefitted from the Watershed’s efforts. Shiver River’s large wood placements, riparian plantings, invasive weed eradication, and nice new culvert all resulted from Watershed efforts. Holly (the executive director) did most of the talking, thankfully!


Firewood, owl, bobcat and deer

Sid spotted this Great Horned Owl at the farm.
This pretty kitty”s stroll was captured with my game camera.
Another game camera catch.
This poor guy is being chased by ….
This scary beast!
Bill and Kay braved the woodland beasties to load firewood.


More firewood and more roofing

To be clear, Bianca did NO work unless you count keeping us company.
Sid got quite a bit of roofing done while Bill kept careful watch in case of a fall.
Sid and Bill repair a fence apparently destroyed by a deer.
And then, of course, there were new piles of split wood Mike left for us to load and stack. It is hard to keep up with Mike!


Clearing forest roads, more fungi, more firewood and more roofing

Sid makes short work of the first , and smallest, of the trees blocking forest roads.
Sid makes good progress on the bigger of the two fallen trees.
It took the Ranger’s winch to move the cut log out of the road.
The Ranger backs up, dragging the log out of the way.
After bringing a load of firewood from the woods landing, where it is stored, to the house, Bill and Sid load more roofing materials onto the hard-working Ranger.
Inky cap
I don’t know what this fungi is.


Fungi, firewood and a new sign

While walking in the woods near the Loop trail, Kay and I saw these cute fungi. Kay correctly (I think) identified them as puffballs. From the internet: “Puffballs are like marshmallows but they can be almost any size and are usually soft and squishy and edible when young and pure white inside. Then the white changes colour and turns to goo, and sometimes powder. In some cases, a hole opens up in the top so the powder can “puff” out when the rain falls (or somebody stomps on them for fun).”
Kay, placing game camera #1 on the Loop trail.
Kay, placing game camera #2 on the trail that leads from the Loop trail down to Rock Creek. Yes, there is a tree blocking the forest road!
Kay watches while Sid and Bill install a new sign indicating a small plot of replanted trees.
It is becoming increasingly clear that we will have to buy firewood later in the winter. Our supply does not look as if it will last.
