Extension forester Brad, Professors Giannico and Souder lead Karen, Kathleen, Kay, Bill and I on a Shiver River tour in preparation for having the MWM class do a tour in a little less than two weeks. Sid stopped by to meet the folks before returning to the farm house and the plumbing that is prepping for the pump for the City water.Oyster mushrooms on logs near Griffith Creek.Large log placement on Rock Creek.Calypso bulbosa, calypso orchid or just plain fairyslipper.Candy flower.
Free sign that lets our own visitors know that our clear cut has been replanted, so don’t squish the little trees!Second sign placed by the watershed road (Rock Creek road).Salmon berry.Tangled large wood placement near the confluence of Griffith Creek and Rock Creek.The grass won’t get the best of Sid!Two persimmon trees art too many.
TrilliumNew windows being installedRanger back from servicingWeird growth on old stumpRobert sees that the creek is now a bit lower. Don’t back up!Too cold to swim, Tory dear!Zachary and his dad.It looks as if Bianca is biting a bolt that holds the bridge together….
Cement trucks are pouring cement into the new laundry room .
Kathleen and Brad look at the big culvert that brings Griffith Creek onto our property. Brad was pre-touring the large wood placements and other water related matters in preparation for the Master Woodland Manager class that will tour on our property in early May.Easy fish passage herePacific waterleaf (hydrophyllum tenuipes) flowering by Griffith CreekLog placement forced a new channel, part of its job
Yew tree by Rock CreekYew twig on the left, Grand fir to the right
Bert came to the farm to pick up the Ranger for servicing in Tangent.
Unk’s daffodils in full bloomBill and Dee tour Karen F-H’s property with other Small Woodland Owners club members.Hydraulics (I think!). Concrete gets poured over the floor tomorrow.
We got our American Tree Farm System certification! Too bad we got only one bumper sticker.Sid remodeled the downstairs bathroom and fixed the toilet leak that had been active since before Unk died! The little pump house is ready for the city water pump to be installed.Bianca, meditating.