Late May 2017

The house looks so pretty from Henkle Way. Sid did a good job mowing the front fields.

Oh no! Sid is teaching my son to ride his motorcycle!
Men exploring the foundation location.

There is a trench to the left for underground power lines and telephone line.
Trench and Noah riding the bike.


Lots of Activity and Progress at Shiver River

Sid brought Zuki, Luna and Tortellini with him to the farm. He put a little fence around the porch so that they could get acquainted with their new home.

It didn’t take long for the cats to test the boundaries.
After a couple of weeks of acclimation, and a near-catch of a large rodent, Torti looks over his empire.
Kay and Sid, resting in the afternoon.
Woodshed is gone.
Ground being prepared.

Sid was without power at first, so Kay cooked sourdough pancakes.
On her campstove!
Recognize the old wallpaper in the kitchen? The cupboard covering it got moved temporarily so an electrical panel could be squeezed in.
Sid at play on one (of three) new dirtbikes!
