A week in early September

New entrance light for the passage between the farmhouse and the annex

That mower runs like a Deere!

Sid is busy … progress!

Gravel collection for a hole in the bypass road where we have been loading Mike the Woodcutter’s split firewood.

Our scrawny little elderberry tree has a light crop this year

Tightening bolts on the bridge. Modest success only

Size of wrench that fits the bridge bolts

Clearing the forest road that goes from the Rock Creek road to the planting adjacent to the Watershed road. Lots of obstructions.

Toward the end of the road it gets really wet … particularly in the fall and winter and spring.

Standing water even now, while it is dry elsewhere

The trees are growing well in this 4-5 acre planting

Part of the road will be closed to vehicle traffic due to the wet conditions. Bill clears branches from a footpath.

Marking the entrance to the footpath back to the Rock Creek road. It is really easy to miss otherwise.


Century Status for the farm

Shiver River received Century Status recognition at the State Fair in Salem on August 24, 2024 — KC’s birthday!

Judith, Diana Victoria, KC, Sid, Diana Virginia, Jessica and Kathryn were all there. Bill was there, too, but someone had to take the picture.

Sid is building a deck so that there can be a legitimate escape from the door you see on the right.

Oh no! More wood is arriving.

First, we put the wood holders in place.

Then the stacking …


Bringing in the firewood

The big rock in the middle of the forest road was annoying … so we removed it (eventually).

Artichoke blooms in Sid’s garden

Post holes for the deck to the manufactured home. It will allow escape out of the second door in case of a fire.


Fire danger high … tractor dies & is resuscitated

Bianca loves the look of the partially mowed field. Miss Tym died in the middle of the field mowing, but Sid revived her a day later … a malfunctioning tail light caused the shut down!

Some of the wildflowers (purple) we planted along the broken-glass road are blooming! Rose checker mallow (Sidalcea virgata)

And along the Rock Creek trail, tiny purple flowers (great hedge-nettle)

Keeping our forest trails/roads free and clear is essential during fire season.

I don’t understand how this big Scotch broom plant escaped earlier detection.

Griffith Creek is low.

The riparian Western red-cedars planted by the Marys River Watershed Council are thriving.

Woodcutter Mike has left evidence of his having passed this way.

Crossing Rock Creek feels great on tired feet.

Uh oh…a new obstruction across the Loop trail

No need for the chain saw when you have Bill’s muscles!

The internet/telephone cable folks are placing the cable to the mobile.

The new cable starts at the entrance and heads off to the right. You can see the trench if you look closely.

There weren’t many plums on this tree, but they were tasty.


Spreading gravel and trimming bushes

Machines need TLC too. Sid notices a leaky tire, removes it, and …

Gives it to Dee and Bill to drop off at the tire repair shop. It is fixed and back to work in short order.

The woodshed (aka the Rickshed, named after our favorite carpenter/friend Rick) is 98% completed. Tortellini approves, but advises that there needs to be more gravel at the entrance.

Sid and Bill did some raking and voila!

Contrary to popular belief, Diana was not napping while the guys were raking. She was trimming bushes that were doing their best to break into the house.

There is always some heavy lifting to do.


Building projects and firewood

Nice, even entrance to the mobile … great buldozing!

Sid is putting up the skirting and crawling under the mobile … Army Ranger training came in handy!

The Rickshed (woodshed by Rick) is looking good.

Mike the woodcutter reduced the stump that was impeding access to the cut through forest road. Nice.

Piles of nicely split firewood along the cut through forest road.

Mike split the oak and Bill and I loaded it up and hauled it to the farm. But…not before noticing a hornet nest right above the work area!


June and progress

We don’t often see elk on our property, but here are two big ones.

Bianca looked, but decided not to chase the big rascals.

Jack the rooster is looking quite colorful lately.

Not yet split, but Mike the woodcutter left some nice pieces of oak, so Bill and I took a load to the farmhouse.

The woodshed is coming along nicely.

Even the woodshed has a fabulous view.

Nice work finishing the overhang.

Mike the woodcutter’s work.

Stump hazard!


Mike also did some path mowing.


KC and two Zoiboyz at the farm!

KC, Sid, Sunny, and Phoenix arrive for a visit and farm inspection after their wildly successful coursing event in Washington state.

Bianca was a gracious hostess and took quite a liking to Phoenix.

Ms. Tym gets a workout distributing soil.

Sid found this beautiful redtail hawk on Henkle Way. It had an injured wing. Sid took off his shirt, wrapped the hawk, and …

the hawk thanked him profusely! Neighbor Ed unhooked the hawk’s talons from Sid’s arm and Sid delivered said hawk to the Chintimini Wildlife Center where they nurse like birds back to health.

This fun piece of equipment got used for a couple of chores near the top of the big garage/barn.

Bill and Diana took a tour of a lovely tree farm. Touring other folks’ tree farms is a wonderful way to learn.


Limbs, fallen trees, and crazy animals

This big oak limb is perfect for Mike the woodcutter!

Another victim for Mike.

And this one is perfect for Bill.

Picking windows for the toolshed portion of the woodshed.

The Polish hens get prettier by the day.

See the coyote?

Hard working pair resting in the shade.
