Snipping branches that interfere with safe passage on forest trails.Rearranging river rock for pedestrian crossing.During her summer visits from Philly, Sandra always manages to put in a lot of work, both inside the house and out in the fields!Sid does his best to keep up with Sandra.Me, having fun on the riding mower.
Hard to believe, but as Bill and I were prepping for the September tour of Shiver River, we spotted Scotch broom growing in a spot we had completely denuded of the pesky weed last spring! Keeping the loop trail free of obstacles.More Scotch broom. Grrrrr….Keeping it real.This is the view of the Rock Creek large wood placement that will be on the tour.Smoky and I are getting ready to go on the Whitewater Tree Farm Tour (Lane County nominee for Oregon Tree Farmer of the Year.About 40-45 folks came on the tour.Owner had spent his life logging and working for mills as a log buyer. He is now an international consultant having visited logging operations in Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand and some of the Baltic countries. Wow! Looking for (and finding) evidence of laminated root rot.
See how closely St. John’s wort looks like Tansy Ragwort? St. John’s wort.Sid’s foot and the stair nose he hand crafted! He is putting laminate flooring in the room above the garage.Scott, Diana, Dave (Sid and Bill, too) met at the farm on July 25, 2019 to plan the tour of the farm’s forests in conjunction with its designation as Benton County’s 2019 nomination for Tree Farmer of the Year.Scott pauses during the pre-tour planning walk.Dave contemplates.Dave log walking.The day after plotting the path the tour will take, Sid, Bill and Diana start the arduous process of clearing obstructions. A first effort — more to come.Bill rearranges the rocks in Griffith Creek to make crossing on foot easier.
“Tansy ragwort is an invasive, toxic biennial weed from Europe most often found in pastures and along roads and trails. Although animals tend to avoid it, they may eat enough of it to become ill and even die. The highest risk is after the plants have been cut or when mixed in with hay, because the plants are not as bitter then and just as toxic. In spite of efforts to control it, tansy ragwort is widespread in the Pacific Northwest.” This particular plant is one of ours. We have both tansy ragwort and St. John’s wort on the farm.We checked the clear cut plantings. They are doing well, it appears.The flower beds needed weeding and the lawn needed mowing less than two weeks after the wedding. Stuff grows in Oregon!Sid and Miss Tym, the tractor. Oh … and Bianca, too.Blackberries decided to take over the loop trail.A pilated woodpecker seriously enjoyed a snack in this beetle-infested stump.For the first time (for me), alongside the loop trail I found what we used to find in Tiller – black caps! Here’s info I found on the net:
The Black Raspberry Physical Description: A small, black-colored raspberry with very small white hairs. Known by farmers as a “blackcap” due to the berry coming clean off the bush without a plug, making it hollow inside. The individual cells of the berry are small and do not protrude very far out from the berry. Taste: More fruity and less tart than a blackberry. Also contains less sugar so is not as sweet. Has a very unique taste that is not really similar to any other berry. Health: Black raspberries are one of the healthiest berries on the planet. They are lower in sugar than most berries and also contain a lot of fiber (around 8 grams per cup). They contain large amounts of anthocyanins, and around three times the antioxidants found in blackberries. They are also one of the most well-researched berries, especially in the area of cancer prevention.
Quick checklist: Is it hollow? Is it about the size of your thumbnail? Is it make up of small fruit cells? If you answered yes to those three questions, you probably have found the rare black raspberry! If not, you still have a tasty berry, but it is most likely a blackberry. It is hard to see when surrounded by other plants, but just slightly right of the center of the picture is the pale leafed black cap berry bush. Very tiny.