Sid put fencing up the property line from the loop trail to keep Bianca on site.Sid’s raised garden is taking shape.The perpetual fight against Scotch broom.Oooops! Yesterday’s wind felled a tree.A stream violet (pioneer violet)A bed of said violets
Time for the riding mower to have its yearly check-up and blade sharpening. Pick up and delivery is free if you have it done in winter!There were a total of four fallen tree blockages on the loop trail.Bluebells are blooming already.Good upper body workout.Bianca and I can easily handle these fallen trees (not).Sid and Bill select long lumber to use for Sid’s raised veggie bed.
The weather is warm and rainy, but it doesn’t hurt to have firewood in anticipation of a cold snap.Loading firewood in the gentle Oregon rainUsing a tool to drain standing water from the forest trail.
Sid, Dee and Bill went to the annual meeting of the Benton County Chapter of the Oregon Small Woodlands Association. There was a drawing … Sid won these clippers and a holster for them. Diana won a hat, forest marking tape, and suspenders.
Tree loving fungi … couldn’t i.d. it.Another cool “coral” like I found a while ago. Different color, still no i.d.Swimming hole is high water nowThe rough-skinned newt loves the rain.The Creek trail is wet, wet , wet. Bill is channelling some of the water away from the road.Fair amount of fallen wood on the forest roadsSome of it is pretty big.Our baby Doug-fir trees are doing well.
This MAY be what these are: Hydnum umbilicatum, commonly known as the depressed hedgehog, is a species of tooth fungus in the family Hydnaceae. It was scientifically described in 1902 by American mycologist Charles Horton Peck. It is found in North America and in Europe. It is edible. WikipediaInsulation arrived and …Sid, virtually single handedly, moved the piles into the garage. Kay gives Sid advice.Sid may not have wanted that advice!Nobody can mess with me, however.
While his usual helpers were gone, and the Ranger was still hospitalized, Sid drove the pickup to the firewood stash in the woods, drove the tractor there as well, loaded the pickup with the tractor, and drove the pickup back to the house. Thereafter, Bill and I helped with the very last step.Then a walk in the woods to watch Sid pound in a metal stake that will activate Bianca’s electric fence.